GoGo Penguin – GoGo Penguin
We already praised their debut album in 2016 and now, as they themself claim (and we don’t fully disagree), they are better than ever. What else would you expect if a band decides that their third album would be self-titled but that they thougt this would be their defining piece?

Their website also states: GoGo Penguin have been hailed as the “Radiohead of British Jazz”, but they draw equally on rock, jazz and minimalist influences, alongside the intricacy of Aphex Twin or Four Tet to create their punchy, experimental, but always beautiful music.

Well put, we would say, but also that the band sits quite well with a recent opening-up of audiences to more diverse musical influences that range from classical to jazz and experimental sounds in fields that would normally be reserved for more streamlined genres like pop, house or (alternative) rock – but on the other hand also lure fans of more complex music into the arrays of music they would never ever touch. The band definitely developed their distinctive style even further although they stay true to their musical vision and strictly limit themselves still to bass, drum and piano. Maybe they hit their peak but maybe there’s even more to them than this – actually great – new album. Let’s see. It looks promising.