Wesseltoft Schwarz Berglund – Trialogue

Wesseltoft_Schwarz_Berglund_Trialogue_frontcover-700x700Trialogue is more than just a follow up to the ‘Henrik Schwarz/Bugge Wesseltoft-collaboration “Duo” from 2011: the extension that is the Dan Berglund Trio adds so much more texture, variations and firmness to the intricate and subtle works of mentioned duo. Eight tracks explore all kinds of contemplative sounds and styles, be it jazz, electronic, ambient, abstract and also improvisation. All those added elements and layers contribute to a richness and density in sound that on the other hand is always transparent and clear. And although the basic mood is set for brooding, the music still – as with “Duo” – is of a breezy nature and has a lot of space to offer – maybe also as evidence for the respect the musicians have for one another. Unlike the typical jazz- or jazz-related ensemble, no ones playes over the other or competes in nonsense solo-performances, quite the contrary. All the pieces flow together and create a compelling and unique atmosphere, be it beat-driven, ambient, jazz noir, soundtrackish or sheer experiment. “Trialogue” is a very modern piece of art, although – or just because –  it incorporates so many styles and influences without showing them off in your face. It does it – in a silent way. The very own soundcosmos that Wesseltoft and Schwarz created with “Duo” has developed even further and refined itself. “Trialogue” is a wonderful album that sits right with the most introverted season of the year, but i can’t wait to listen to this in the bright sunshine on a beach. This is just a wonderful piece of music that makes the promise of never getting old. Highly recommended.

Electronic Beats did a feature on the project, also of course, recommended viewing:

Yours sincerly,
